Supply Chain Specialist
The one food I would eat for the rest of my life would be pizza because there are so many different varieties of it, and you can literally add any topping onto it.
I am not sure if being a Netflix binge watcher is considered a “skill”, but some of my hobbies are kayaking, RZR riding, being outdoors with my dog, and hanging out with my friends and family.
Sparkle holographic – Although I may come off as shy and quiet, once you get to know me a little more, I express my fun and spunky self. Just like the holographic, once you get a view from a different angle you see the real bright me. Life won’t sparkle unless you do!
Koala – They are loving and calm. They enjoy the feeling of sharing love and being around others. And they sleep for an average of 18-20 hours a day and who doesn’t want that?!
Going to Lake Cumberland over the summer and tent camping on an island with all my best friends. Even though we were all sunburnt and had tons of mosquito bites all over us, we still made the most of the time we were there.